Monday, October 1, 2012

To Do List

There are those who say that having to-do-lists makes their brain go lazy. You would make less of an effort to use your memory power if you knew there was something else you could rely on.

Well... if you are a mother (or even otherwise) your brain has to keep in check all your stuff, as well as your kids’ stuff, and the house stuff and your husbands stuff and if you have your parents (or in-laws) living with you. Not forgetting working mothers... It’s just more things your brain has to keep track of. Something is bound to go awry. And, in my case, my brain never was good at keeping track of anything in the first place. So much so, that a very dear friend of mine of over 33 years still messages me to remind me of my father’s or my brother’s birthday.

That is how a To-Do-List becomes your most reliable friend. And how about the enormous satisfaction you get when you tick that item off that list? If the task is too overwhelming and you need that kick to keep you going break down your task into smaller easier tasks so you can tick off each of them until you’ve finished that big task.

For starters, here’s a list of 10 things you can do before you go to bed at night that will make your morning less chaotic.

1.     Clear up your dishes
2.     Get your bag ready for work
3.     Get your outfit ready for the morning
4.     Put away your remote controls, papers, books and CDs (if you still use them)
5.     Charge all your electronics (mobile phone, laptops, tablets)
6.     Set the table for breakfast (yes! Set the table the night before. I’ll have a post about this one soon.)
7.     Write your to-do-list for tomorrow   :)

If you have kids add these items to your list:

8.     Make sure your kids have their school projects/ homeworks done
9.     Make your kids get their school bags ready
10.  Make your kids get their school clothes ready. Ensure that they are prepared for sports day

Anything else I’ve forgotten to add to the list?


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