Wednesday, October 17, 2012

More useful stairs

Thought I'd add some more interesting ways of using the stair area.

Clever ways to use the space in and around your stairs

In a previous post I collected photos of beautiful staircases. But the space under, over, in or on the stairs can also be used for other purposes such as storage, an office, a vanity room, a cloak room, an art gallery, a prayer room, an entryway, a play area, a library or whatever else you can come up with. Check out these clever uses of stairs.

How would you use your stairs?

  {1} Basement pantry
  {2} Home office, from
  {3} Library, from
  {4} Library, from
  {5} Photo gallery, from Best Pins Ever! by Cherelle Gellert
  {6} Cloak room and reading nook, from
  {7} Display, from
  {8} Another beautiful reading nook, from
  {9} Bar, from
{10} Storage, from Home Design Ideas by Monique Summers via
{11} One more cloakroom, from

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Versatility of Ladders

Now ladders seem to be incredibly useful objects. People have come up with a variety of uses for them apart from their original purpose for being. I love their ingenuity. From clothes rack, to bookshelves, to bedside tables, to magazine or newspaper stands, to a vertical garden, even a Xmas tree! The possibilities seem endless!

If you have an old ladder hanging around taking up space, think of giving it new life and repurposing it and tell us how you would use your ladder.


{1} A towel rack, from
{2} Great way to display clothes at the store, from
{3} Love this one! From
{4} Save up space in your kitchen by hanging your pots and pans! From
{5} How unique! From Stefanie Haining's Isnpiration page on Pinterest 
{6, 7} How about an entire pantry of ladders? From
{8} So many clever ideas on this ladder! From
{9}A shoe rack... When it comes to shoes we will always find a way! From

Monday, October 1, 2012

To Do List

There are those who say that having to-do-lists makes their brain go lazy. You would make less of an effort to use your memory power if you knew there was something else you could rely on.

Well... if you are a mother (or even otherwise) your brain has to keep in check all your stuff, as well as your kids’ stuff, and the house stuff and your husbands stuff and if you have your parents (or in-laws) living with you. Not forgetting working mothers... It’s just more things your brain has to keep track of. Something is bound to go awry. And, in my case, my brain never was good at keeping track of anything in the first place. So much so, that a very dear friend of mine of over 33 years still messages me to remind me of my father’s or my brother’s birthday.

That is how a To-Do-List becomes your most reliable friend. And how about the enormous satisfaction you get when you tick that item off that list? If the task is too overwhelming and you need that kick to keep you going break down your task into smaller easier tasks so you can tick off each of them until you’ve finished that big task.

For starters, here’s a list of 10 things you can do before you go to bed at night that will make your morning less chaotic.

1.     Clear up your dishes
2.     Get your bag ready for work
3.     Get your outfit ready for the morning
4.     Put away your remote controls, papers, books and CDs (if you still use them)
5.     Charge all your electronics (mobile phone, laptops, tablets)
6.     Set the table for breakfast (yes! Set the table the night before. I’ll have a post about this one soon.)
7.     Write your to-do-list for tomorrow   :)

If you have kids add these items to your list:

8.     Make sure your kids have their school projects/ homeworks done
9.     Make your kids get their school bags ready
10.  Make your kids get their school clothes ready. Ensure that they are prepared for sports day

Anything else I’ve forgotten to add to the list?


Chinese Lanterns and The Moon Festival

My son (L) goes to pre-nursery. It may seem harsh to send a 21-month old to school at such a young age but I found that not knowing kids around his age he lacked the social interactions that I think are an important part of the fabric of life. I researched several schools and chose one which seemed more agreeable to me. Mainly, they believe that children should be children and they should be allowed to enjoy their childhood as much as possible. So during the past month he has been going to school for 2 to 3 hours a day, 5 days a week to play and sing and dance. And he loves it. He is always eager to go and already has a favorite teacher who brings a smile to his face when he sees her. Did I mention that the teachers sing songs and read stories to the kids in Mandarin as well as in English?

Now the Moon Festival has arrived and there are moon cakes {11} being made and sold around every spare space. I had 48 moon cakes made for L's school by Mariz. Made with the original recipe of lotus seeds, they are healthier - less sugar, less oil, no eggs, and yummier! The Moon Festival or Mooncake Festival or Mid-Autumn Festival is the second most important festival (after the Spring Festival) celebrated by the Chinese. Held on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese lunar calendar it typically falls in September or early October. As part of the celebrations beautifully crafted and brightly colored chinese lanterns are lit everywhere.

L's school asked the parents to help their kids make their own lanterns to take to school. I'm not a very crafty person but I'm excited to learn new things with my son. I searched on You Tube for the easiest way to make a lantern and here's a tutorial that worked well for me - Try to make a paper lantern 01.

A simple way to make the lantern look fancier is to either paint the paper - if you are good at these things (not me!), or pick a printed one. I chose a couple which had patterns on both sides {1, 8}.

{1} Material: A thick paper printed on both sides, a pencil and a ruler to mark the lines to be cut, a pair of scissors to cut the paper, an eraser to clean up the pencil marks after you're done cutting and a sticky tape to hold the shape of the lantern and the handle.

{3} Before you do anything, cut a strip of paper that will be used for the handle {2}. Then mark down the two ends (top and bottom of the lantern) with a thick band and make the lines connecting the two bands (any width you like) which is where you'll be cutting the paper.

{4} Proceed to fold the paper in half and cut on those lines. Don't forget to clean up those pencil marks whencyou are done.

{5} Join the two sides with sticky tape, both at the top and bottom.

{6} Stick the ends of the paper strip to the lantern to make the handle.

There you have it - the easiest way to make a chinese lantern {7, 9, 10}!

 How would you make a lantern?


Thursday, May 3, 2012

On My Night Stand

I love my night stand. It is simple and slick. It looks great with the light on and fits all the things I might need at night. This Ikea Rexbo shelving unit is ideal when you have very little space for a bedside table.

I fell in love with it the very first time I laid eyes on it. But as cautious as I am with infatuations, I took my time to decide whether I really needed it. Finally, when I could no longer keep away from it I found they had stopped shipping these units to Singapore. Imagine my disappointment. Fortunately, as luck would have it I had to go to Germany to visit a friend and what do I find at Ikea in Munich? Well, my friend gifted it to me and I was more than thrilled to have it even if it meant lugging it through airports till I got home!

Here I keep my books on the top shelf {1}, I have photos of loved ones, my Ikea Knubbig table lamp, water, my reading glasses, a moisturizer and others. 

Flowers are a must for a flower lover like me. I like waking up and looking at flowers and greenery. Here I used a baby food jar {3} which looks adorable with these little ball flowers. Does anyone know what these flowers are called {5}

Something I find very useful is reusing the bottles of Esprit drink as water bottles for the night {4}. They hold the equivalent of a glass of water. They are compact and look nice (just remember to remove the label). I usually keep a bottle on each side of the bed and for each overnight staying guest.

And finally, for someone with a baby like me, I keep a box with a thermometer, extra batteries for the thermometer, baby paracetamol and a couple of syringes to administer the medicine.

What do you keep on your night stand?



Esprit Drink

Rexbo shelving unit

Knubbig table lamp with cherry blossoms in frosted white glass

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May Day Flowers

I just saw an article on Apartment Therapy about May Day gift baskets in the US. I know May Day is over but flowers are perennial in the magic they bring to a home or to oneself. So why not gift your neighbours, your friends and your family with beautiful and simple flower arrangements. Using your old jars of jam and recycling those ribbons that came with gifts you received is a also a good way to clear the clutter, clean up your space and recycle your goods. And you get to see a smile on someone you love. 

What do you think of bringing May Day celebrations to the rest of the world? Picnics, gifts baskets, floral-themed decor...


{1} How simple and pretty, from 
{2} Originally from Artsy Craft Projects by Val Pederson via Martha Armitstead
{3} From
{4} Why not use a can as a vase! From
{5} From
{6} You can find instructions on how to make this paper cone at
{7} How about making use of that ice cream container to reproduce this arrangement from

My Linen Closet

I have read so many times that 2 sets of linen are enough for each bed you own. However, in my case, accidents happen, especially when you have a baby (L) sharing the bed with you. Also now that I can afford to have my linen ironed, and the service offered by my laundry (Renee Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Services) happens on a weekly basis, I have to make sure I have spare sets that will get me through the week. So here {2} you will find 4 sets of linen for my bed. Each set comprises of 4 pillow cases, 1 bolster cover, 1 duvet cover, 1 fitted sheet and 1 flat sheet which lies between me and the duvet. They are arranged in the closet as sets so that next time I need to change my bed sheets in the middle of the night I don’t have to fish for all the different parts. I also use a full mattress protector that I wash every month and a baby mattress protector where L sleeps so nothing goes further than that.

Now if you have no preference for ironed bed sheets or have enough time to do the ironing yourself it might be wise to stick to 2 sets. Although I would still keep 3 sets… just in case.

As for my towel sets {4}, one set would have 2 large bath towels, 2 hand towels and 1 bath math. If you use face towels, please add those to your list. Again I would keep 3 sets as a minimum, for those days when I don’t want to have to do the laundry. I do have a pool towel for each of us too.

In my closet {3}, you will also find 3 sets of linen for the guest room and 3 sets of towels for 2 guests. My parents or my in-laws come and stay with us for weeks at a time so the same rule applies here. There are also some house slippers for guests (those slippers you bring home from the hotels where you’ve stayed in your travels). And for those days when there are more people crashing in than beds available, I have 3 sets of single bed sheets, pillowcase and thick blanket. The latter can be used if I’m just lounging on the sofa while watching a movie.

Beyond these, you will find cushion covers {2} for the cushions in my bedroom, the guest room and the living room. These are indulgences of mine and I change them with the seasons or the occasion (parties, festivals, X’mas, Chinese New Year). Extra pillows are found in the top shelf {5}.

Come to think of it, I have quite a collection going. Maybe I should consider pairing down. Hmmmm...

I also have a shelf {5} where all my arts & crafts stuff reside such as gift wrapping, bead work, sewing material, painting tools. I keep them in boxes for each type of craft so I know where to find what I need.

How does your linen closet look?



-Renee Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Services Pte. Ltd.
3 Simon Rd Singapore 545892
Contact: 6459 8231

Recreating a Spa at Home


I thought I would start this blog with a little rare indulgence. The home spa. Wouldn't it be lovely to have a retreat you can rely on anytime you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders? All you would have to do is close your bathroom door, slide into some warm water and listen to music that will soothe and calm your senses by the light of flickering candles.

Different people require different ingredients to relax. You can set up the place with a little tray of goodies such as scented candles, a flower, a body scrub and maybe some chocolates? Start with an aromatic oil massage before you get into your bath (Flower by Kenzo bath oil - I love the fragrances and skin care products by Kenzo). Bath salts and creams are great for reinvigorating and nourishing the skin. Check out the floral collection of Marks & Spencers. You might want to use a scrub for your tired feet, and one for your body. A bubbly and a good book are two things I highly recommend too. I’ve been reading Architecture of Happiness by Alain de Botton. I am a big fan of his. The way he sees our daily existence and finds beauty and meaning and sometimes the funny side in the things we do. This book reminds us of the beauty of architecture and how it influences our lives, our very well being.

Enjoy yourself and let me know what makes you relax. 



Saturday, April 7, 2012

Keep life simple, uncluttered, organized and fresh!

I have lived most of my life confined to my bedroom or sharing a house with others or in small studio apartments. With time and all the travel that I have done I had accumulated a lot of things, not to mention all the books I read. My father decided he wasn't going to carry any of my stuff around after he sold our home, so he got rid of it all. It has been 10 years and I am still recovering from it. 

With the space constraints I've endured (and it really sucks to live in small spaces - on the other hand, it means less cleaning!) I realized that my space needed to be maximized in order to keep the stuff that was really important to me. I also wanted to make everything easily accessible to me at all times.

 So I have been learning through my experiences as well as those of others how to keep it simple, uncluttered, organized and fresh. Now that my physical space has been taken care of, it is time to do the same with my personal life: keep it simple, uncluttered, organized and fresh.

Seeing the trend everywhere of incredibly small apartments with even smaller bedrooms and kitchens (have people stopped cooking?) we have to make the most of the space available. And with all the high speed, high tech lives that we lead we really must try to keep it all simple and fresh for our own sanity.

Here I propose a space where we can all share our experiences and learn from each other on how to make our lives a little less crazy, a little more easy to manage, and a lot more beautiful!
